Mon. April 11 2022 at Pier 40 LREI (2) vs. JV Hitmen (13) April 11, 2022 123456789RHE Knights 000202 Peglegs 10201134 Our Stuy JV boys played another stellar game against the varsity team from Elizabeth Irwin High School.Charles Merkel dominated from beginning to end pitching a complete, although abbreviated, game.On the fielding side, Victor made a diving catch in center field while the infield made play after play.Adrian Veto hit a long triple and Charlie Winer, not too be out done, smashed a towering home run over right center.Our next game is Wednesday against John Jay. Can’t wait. Andrew: 0-0 with 2 runs scored, 2 walks, and 2 stolen basesCharles: 0-0 with 1 run scored and 1 walkCharlie: 1-1 with 2 runs scored, 1 home run, and 1 walkMantas: 0-1 with 1 run scored, 1 walk, and 1 strikeoutAdrian: 1-1 with 1 run scored, 1 triple and 1 walkJason: 0-1 with 1 strikeoutJasper: 1-2 with 1 run scoredAlex: 0-1 with 1 walkChristopher: 0-1 with 1 run scored and 1 walkKenny: 0-2 with 1 run scoredWilliam: 1-2 with 1 strikeoutKerick: 0-1 with 1 run scored and 1 walkVictor: 0-0 with 2 runs scored and 2 walksDonghyun: 0-2 CharlesIP-5.0, R-2, ER-1, #P-68